Three archaeological sites, ceramics found in the northern highlands of Peru

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A team of specialists from the Decentralized Cultural Department of Cajamarca has found three archaeological sites and ceramic evidence in the Llagadén community of the Magdalena district in Cajamarca, reports El Comercio.

Three archaeological sites, ceramics found in the northern highlands of Peru
Ceramic vase dating back to about 2,000 years ago discovered
 at one of the sites [Credit: El Comercio/Difusión]
The evidence includes fragments of pottery and a series of shelters, dating back to 2,000 years ago and could possibly correspond to the initial or middle Cajamarca cultures. They were found on a farm in Llagadén.

El Comercio claims the three archaeological sites found by specialists are located in the hills of Congona and Naranjo, and in the area known as San Sebastian of Choropampa.

Archaeologist Francisco Esquerre said that the procedure from this point on will now include establishing coordinates of the archaeological sites and then begin excavations, reports El Comercio.

He told the newspaper that unfortunately some of the important evidence was destroyed, though there are still many pieces intact.

Author: Hillary Ojeda | Source: Peru this Week [August 17, 2015]
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